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Fixed Width Icons

Make all your icons the same width so they can easily vertically align, like in a list or navigation menu.

Add a class of fa-fw on the HTML element referencing your icon to set one or more icons to the same fixed width. This is great to use when varying icon widths (e.g. a tall but skinny icon atop a wide but short icon) would throw off vertical alignment. For clarity in the following example, we’ve added a background color on the icon so you can see the fixed width and also bumped up the font-size of the parent element.



Nordic Skiing



<!-- vertically aligning icons -->
<div style="font-size: 2rem;">
<div><i class="fa-solid fa-skating fa-fw" style="background:DodgerBlue"></i> Skating</div>
<div><i class="fa-solid fa-skiing fa-fw" style="background:SkyBlue"></i> Skiing</div>
<div><i class="fa-solid fa-skiing-nordic fa-fw" style="background:DodgerBlue"></i> Nordic Skiing</div>
<div><i class="fa-solid fa-snowboarding fa-fw" style="background:SkyBlue"></i> Snowboarding</div>
<div><i class="fa-solid fa-snowplow fa-fw" style="background:DodgerBlue"></i> Snowplow</div>

<!-- setting all icons used in buttons to have the same width using fa-fw -->
<span style="border: 1px solid silver; border-radius: 0.25em; padding: 0.5em;"><i class="fa-solid fa-arrow-left fa-fw" title="Back"></i></span>
<span style="border: 1px solid silver; border-radius: 0.25em; padding: 0.5em;"><i class="fa-solid fa-arrow-right fa-fw" title="Forward"></i></span>
<span style="border: 1px solid silver; border-radius: 0.25em; padding: 0.5em;"><i class="fa-solid fa-arrows-rotate fa-fw" title="Refresh"></i></span>
<span style="border: 1px solid silver; border-radius: 0.25em; padding: 0.5em;"><i class="fa-solid fa-house fa-fw" title="Home"></i></span>
<span style="border: 1px solid silver; border-radius: 0.25em; padding: 0.5em;"><i class="fa-solid fa-info fa-fw" title="Info"></i></span>
<span style="border: 1px solid silver; border-radius: 0.25em; padding: 0.5em;"><i class="fa-solid fa-download fa-fw" title="Download"></i></span>