Editing Icons

Trim the fat, add a little sparkle and shine, snap that image to the grid, or crop it down to size. Whatever you need, Font Awesome has you covered with the editing icons you’ll need to brighten up your project.

0 Icons

Icons in Use

Fake it 'til you make it, amiright? Here are some examples of how you could use Font Awesome Editing icons in your projects, whether they're apps, interfaces, or print designs.

An example of a mobile app using icons


An example of a signs with icons


An example of a to-do list with icons

Editing icons

An example of a website with icons

The web's premier resource for Editing icons. Of all the fake websites in the world, this is the best.

An example of a transit line using icons


An example of a flyer with icons

Icons For Sale Fresh, hot icons for sale! Call us at (555) 867-5309 for more info.


An example of a buttons with icons